The Lake T Sprint Series has been the first race for many Iron Distance Triathletes. In it's 23rd year, this race continues to be the stepping stone for so many triathletes to get to the next level. Racks are first come, first serve, waves are male/female, and there is a relay division as well.
The 600 yard lake swim is followed by a 2 loop bike course with rolling hills. The 5K run is a beautiful course around the lake which has a few small inclines and downhill the last mile. Aid is available on the run at the town hall section.
**PLUS we offer a Super Sprint race for those looking to test the waters of triathlon! This will be a 200 yard swim, 5.5 mile bike (one loop) & 1.7 mile run.
Online Prices:
Sprint Individual Registration $45.00
Super Sprint Registration $35.00
Relay Registration $65.00
Aqua/BIke $45
Day of Prices:
Sprint Individual $60
Super Sprint $45
Relay $75.00
Aqua/Bike $45
Online Registraion Closes 4pm race day
Plus don't miss: LAKE T OLYMPIC DISTANCE TRIATHLON Saturday August 10th!!
*In case the weather gods don’t cooperate all efforts will be made to race in some capacity. If we are unable to race there will be no refunds or transfers. Thank you.
1. No earbuds are allowed at any point of the race
2. Bikers must have their helmet on and strapped before leaving transition.
3. Bikers cannot mount their bike until they have reached Lake Rd.
4. Bikers must be at least 2 bike lengths behind the racer in front of you.
5. Bikers MUST ride their bike AS FAR TO THE RIGHT SIDE LANE as possible. They can only pass on the left(within the lane) and IMMEDIATELY return right.
6. No animals are allowed at Blish Park per the Town of Marlborough.